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Groundup Sandbox Trainer
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 1-to-1 Pitch Coaching Session


Ruo-Mei Chua is Chief Impact Officer at SUTW Impact Consulting. An authentic brand storyteller, international career consultant, and highly sought-after pitch coach to award-winning startups and accelerators including Silicon Valley's 500 Startups, she has inspired more than 13,000 people from across 25 countries. Her passion is helping professionals, founders and businesses better articulate their value for decisive buy-in and rapport with key stakeholders.

Ruo Mei is well-known in global startup pitching circles and works extensively with accelerators and incubators to nurture award-winning startups. Her client portfolio includes Singtel Future Makers, Silicon Valley-based 500 Startups, IOT Tribe Deep Tech Accelerator, A*STARTCENTRAL, NUS GRIP, NTUitive, YSE, National Lean LaunchPad, SMU-Peeli, P.A.K. Challenge, and Hult Prize (Clinton Foundation).

An international keynote speaker, Ruo Mei has been a regular feature at Berlin’s Asia-Pacific Weeks Summit 2017-19, covering millennial talent development, social entrepreneurship, and future-proofing. In 2019, she was appointed AsiaBerlin Ambassador.

A linguistic dork by nature, Ruo Mei has lived and worked in five countries, speaking English, Mandarin, Japanese and Spanish. An accomplished host, she has been featured on major networks such as CNA, NHK World and UFM100.3, and moderated dialogues for dignitaries from ministers and ambassadors, to country presidents.

Ruo Mei graduated with a heart for social justice and liberating people to their fullest potential, inspired by her alma maters Brown University, and the United World College (UWC) of The Atlantic.

Ruo Mei always has a keen eye out for fresh ideas and welcomes you to come speak with her. Also, if you happen to love people (especially the marginalised), furkids, and the wild outdoors (she finally checked off Machu Picchu's Inca Trail on her honeymoon), you are in great company here!

Would like to have an exclusive 1-to-1 pitch coaching session with Ruo-Mei?

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