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Nichol is the proud mother of four young children and co-founder at The Food Bank Singapore (FBSG), an organisation that acquires donated food from various sources and distributes them to charities within its member network. She is also the third-generation business owner of a food distribution company, X-INC Pte Ltd, together with her brother.

The Food Bank operates by taking in donated food from farms, manufacturers, distributors, stores, consumers and other sources and distributes them to charities, who then deliver them to beneficiaries.

Nichol shares that The Food Bank is not well-known on the ground, as most of the food distribution is conducted through the organisation’s member charities. However, when Family Service Centres were closed during the circuit breaker, people began writing in to The Food Bank directly.

Prior to COVID-19, The Food Bank did not cater for cooked food donations and distribution. Due to the pandemic, they began distributing cooked meals to the underprivileged, with an initial contribution of 1,000 to 2,000 meals a day, and now around 13,000 meals.

Through the organisation’s Feed The City programme, The Food Bank partnered with local F&B businesses to deliver meals to the underprivileged. The programme was a two-pronged approach – while providing meals to the underprivileged, it also helped boost the sales of local F&B businesses, including hawkers, who were badly hit.

Nichol is also a member of Young Presidents’ Organization, which is a global leadership community of chief executives, and President of ONE Singapore.

Aside from feeding the underprivileged, Nichol is also keen in tackling food waste by setting up a food bank where supermarkets, farms and other food producers can donate their excess food – which will then be redistributed to those in need.

She lives by the legacy that her father left them, which was the understanding that “It’s never about money or having your name on the wall. It’s about the impact you can bring to society, in the smallest of ways.”

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